Welcome to the Highlifeturntable. The purpose of this blog is to provide a way for people to listen to rare highlife music from Ghana and Nigeria. I plan to post tracks from my private collection along with a little commentary on what I know about the artist and what I like about the LP.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Kelly Udeji and his Okpilla Group - onoeshimegba omuvue

For the next selection on the highlife turntable,  I have selected the song onoeshimegba omuvue by Kelly Udeji and his Okpilla Group.

There was no information about the band, but the Iroube label was one of the smaller labels operating in the Etaskor region in the 80's.  I really like the deep hypnotic repetitive energy of the music and vocals, especially the interplay between the lead singer and the chorus.  The chorus really stands out as it answers the call and response of the lead vocalist.  Simple, elegant, meaningful, urgent the music conveys everything that makes Etaskor music so beautiful. Check out the flute playing towards the middle of the song.  Reminds me a little of the sound of the Hon. Vincent Ugabi.

I hope you like it


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